Luke Michael, the EFC World Middleweight champion, is commemorating his signature move, "The triangle choke," as well as his remarkable achievements, which include a record of 7-0 in amateur fights and 6-4 in professional MMA fights, with a one-of-a-kind digital asset. The NFT features the fighter executing the move with incredible precision in the octagon, capturing the intensity and finesse of his fighting style in action. As a limited edition collectible, this NFT offers fans a unique opportunity to own a piece of Luke Michael's legacy, complete with the added utility of four private training sessions with the champion. This not only increases its value, but also makes it a rare and highly coveted piece over time. Overall, the NFT for Luke Michael and his signature move, the triangle choke, is a must-have for anyone who appreciates mixed martial arts or digital art collecting. It celebrates the skill and athleticism of one of the world's top fighters, preserving his signature move in the world of blockchain technology for all time.

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